The Keema story begins in 1950, with the arrival of John Van Riel and his family from Holland. Trained in the Netherlands as a lawyer, John qualified as an accountant when he arrived in Australia before he decided to open a small workshop in Dutton Park. Attached to a BP service station, the mechanical workshop had a car hoist and did oil changes and repairs.
Although successful, the Dutton Park workshop didn’t have the room to display new cars, which were in demand as the population of post-war Australia grew.
The Keema story begins in 1950, with the arrival of John Van Riel and his family from Holland. Trained in the Netherlands as a lawyer, John qualified as an accountant when he arrived in Australia before he decided to open a small workshop in Dutton Park. Attached to a BP service station, the mechanical workshop had a car hoist and did oil changes and repairs.
Although successful, the Dutton Park workshop didn’t have the room to display new cars, which were in demand as the population of post-war Australia grew.